MLS Football Jersey

Author: beetlbet

Coventrys gadesmarthed var nøglen til Huckerbys mål mod United

Fodboldens “mørke kunst” kan være meget omstridt. Hvornår bliver game management til åbenlys snyd? Er taktiske fejl nogensinde fair? Og hvis en bolddreng forsinker genoptagelsen af spillet, når hans hold fører 2-1 i overtiden, er det så rimeligt, at modstanderens manager løber ned ad sidelinjen og fejrer en fantastisk to-måls vending i ansigtet på den stakkels dreng?

Mens nogle snedige kneb i sidste ende bryder spillets love eller ånd, ligger andre lunt i svinget inden for deres grænser. Den tidligere Coventry-angriber Noel Whelan siger, at hans gamle hold bør bruge sidstnævnte til at besejre Billige Manchester United fodboldtrøjer i søndagens FA Cup-semifinale.

“Når du møder et hold med superstjerner, som har mere kvalitet end du har på din side, skal du vise aggression, du skal vise respekt, men ikke for meget respekt, og du skal gå dem på klingen og ruske op i deres fjer på enhver måde, du kan,” siger han. “Nogle gange er man nødt til at ty til de mørke kunster for at få en fordel. Det er ikke snyd, det handler bare om at være klog.”

Som livslang Sky Blues-fan var højdepunktet i min ungdom Coventrys sidste ligatriumf over Manchester United i 1997. I 18 Premier League-kampe mod Sir Alex Fergusons mandskab led Billige Coventry City fodboldtrøjer børn 16 nederlag. Deres eneste sejr kom den jul – og sikke en sejr det var.

Whelan scorede et tidligt mål, før United, der var på jagt efter den tredje ligatitel i træk og velsignet med spillere som David Beckham, Gary Neville, Andy Cole, Ryan Giggs og Paul Scholes i deres startopstilling, uundgåeligt tog føringen. Et straffespark fra Dion Dublin i det 86. minut bragte balance i regnskabet, kort før et af de største solomål i den bedste række blev scoret.

Mend Fodboldtrøje

Coventrys gadesmarthed var nøglen til Huckerbys mål mod United

Darren Huckerby modtog bolden på højre flanke med den oplyste West Terrace i det fjerne og den iskolde bane fyldt med modstandere nok til at stoppe ham flere gange. Alligevel slalomede han på en eller anden måde forbi tre og efterlod Neville på ryggen, før han køligt sendte bolden i mål.

Whelan siger: “Darren har altid haft den evne, og når han først kom i gang, var det meget svært at stoppe ham. Han kom til sin ret, når modstanderne var ved at blive trætte; han var stadig så stærk og hurtig. Det var total optur, da han scorede.”

Umiddelbart var det et øjeblik af uforfalsket dygtighed, tempo og balance. Men hvis man så nøje efter, var der mørke kunster på spil. Da Huckerby kom ind i straffesparksfeltet, kastede Whelan sig sidelæns, tilsyneladende for at undgå et sammenstød med sin holdkammerat, og kropstjekkede Nicky Butt, hvilket forhindrede United-midtbanespilleren i at lave en sidste udfordring. Det er den slags hændelser, som måske ville tiltrække sig videoassistentdommerens opmærksomhed nu om dage. Sådan var det ikke i 1997, hvor det gik ubemærket hen hos kampens dommere.

Jeg har altid spekuleret på, om det var med vilje. Det kan du tro, det var. “Jeg kunne se den vej, Darren løb, og jeg følte, at Nicky Butt nok ville komme på tværs og tvinge ham længere ud eller forsøge at få en tackling ind,” siger Whelan. “Så jeg tænkte: ‘Jeg løber bare på tværs af ham [Butt], og så er der fri bane for Darren til at løbe mod mål’. Det var bare en lille smule hurtig tænkning.

“Der er ingen bedre følelse, når man er helt knust, man har spillet mod et af de bedste hold i verden, og man har vundet. Highfield Road var så højlydt, at man sikkert kunne have hørt jublen ovre i Birmingham. Det var et af højdepunkterne i Billige Coventry City fodboldtrøjer liv i Premier League.”

Det var ikke det eneste eksempel på, at Coventry brugte street-smarts med stor effekt i den sæson. Måneden før scorede Dublin sit berømte “peekaboo”-mål mod Newcastle. Efter at være løbet fra banen, mens han jagtede et indlæg, blev han hængende ved reklameskiltene bag Shay Given og ventede på, at gæsternes målmand skulle slippe bolden. Så sprang Dublin frem og fejede den løse bold ind i det tomme mål. Der var ikke noget at gøre for Newcastle, fordi Coventry-angriberen ikke havde brudt nogen regler. Given blev behørigt hånet for at være den eneste irer, der ikke kunne finde Dublin.

Coventry sluttede som nummer 11 i den sæson, hvilket var deres højeste placering i Premier League-æraen, og Dublin var divisionens deltopscorer. De tabte også en kvartfinale i FA Cuppen efter straffesparkskonkurrence til Sheffield United, da det føltes, som om vejen til finalen var helt åben. Hvordan det Sky Blues-hold ikke opnåede større succes, er mig stadig en gåde.

“Vi havde været igennem et par år, hvor vi kæmpede mod nedrykning, og hvor det var lige ved og næsten. Men når jeg ser tilbage, havde vi en masse kvalitet på holdet som Dion, Darren og legenden Roland Nilsson,” siger Whelan. “Det, vi opnåede i den sæson, burde vi have opnået hver eneste sæson.”

Tilbage til i dag, og Coventrys manager, Mark Robins, vil måske ikke bryde sig om, at hans hold skal være snu for at besejre Erik ten Hags hold. På grund af skader kan Uniteds forsvar være uden Jonny Evans, Victor Lindelöf, Raphaël Varane og Lisandro Martínez, og Coventry har to formstærke angribere. Ellis Simms og Haji Wright startede sæsonen sløvt, men førstnævnte har scoret 14 mål i de seneste 13 kampe og var indtil for nylig den mest målfarlige spiller i Englands fire bedste ligaer i dette kalenderår.

“Jeg synes, at Mark Robins har gjort et fantastisk stykke arbejde i Coventry,” siger Whelan. “Den uro, han har måttet gennemgå, den måde, han har sammensat en trup på, den måde, han har været konkurrencedygtig på i ligaen. Jeg bad til, at de skulle komme tilbage i Premier League via playoff-finalen sidste år, men sådan skulle det ikke være.

“De har haft endnu en fantastisk sæson, og det er magisk, når man er med i en pokalturnering. Manchester United vil ikke gå ind til kampen og nyde den. Alt kan ske på dagen. Der vil være en helt, og lad os bare håbe, at de er på Coventrys side.”

Wuhan Institute of Culture and Sciences was successfully approved by the Ministry of Education and academic cooperation and cooperation education project (Hubei Daily) (Reporter Tang Tianqi correspondent Shi Huili and Chen Yuan) Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the list of the first batch of industry -academia cooperation and education projects in 2024.Cooperative education project.
School drawing
The Ministry of Education ’s industry -academia cooperation and cooperative education project aims to implement the country’ s policy spirit on deepening higher education reform and integration of production and education.The organic connection of the innovation chain.The project not only promotes the deep integration of higher education and industrial development, but also provides strong support for the cultivation of high -quality innovative talents and technical and technical talents.During the new development stage of the “14th Five -Year Plan”, the Ministry of Education ’s industry -academia -education project has also been included in a new round of general colleges and universities undergraduate education teaching review and evaluation index systems.
Wuhan University of Arts and Sciences has always attached great importance to the integration of production and education. By actively building a school -enterprise cooperation platform, planning and construction of industry -academia cooperation projects, it has established a school -enterprise coordination mechanism.The three projects approved this time are the School of Humanities and Arts “Research on the Training of Full Media Journalism and Communication Talent Based on the Construction of New Literature and Art”, “Research on Digital Intelligent Marketing Practice Base Construction of Undergraduate Undergraduate Universities in the Background of Industry and Education Integration”, “Number of Numbers” in business schoolsIn the context of the multi -disciplinary cultivation system of science and technology and art in the background of the wisdom era “.These projects involve many professional fields such as news communication, animation design, and digital economy. They will jointly cooperate with well -known enterprises such as Jane Island Information Technology, British Education Technology, and Wuhan Erqiu Technology to jointly train high -quality talents that meet the needs of the industry.
The successful approval of the Ministry of Education ’s production -academia cooperation and cooperative education project is not only to affirm the achievements of Wuhan University of Arts and Sciences in the integration of production and education and talent training, but also injecting new impetus into the school’s future development.In the future, the school will continue to deepen the integration of production and education, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching from the aspects of talent training plan, practical conditions and practical base construction, student core literacy improvement, etc.Quality application talent.

How can the non -educational teaching task "invading" campus, how can the teacher reduce the burden on the campus?

Chao News Client Reporter Pan Lu

Recently, the secretary group of the Central Education Leading Group issued a notice to deploy the special rectification work to regulate social affairs to enter the campus for the special rectification work of primary and secondary school teachers.In the process of entering the campus, the formalism of lightly leave marks and light results.The topic of reducing the burden of non -education and teaching in primary and secondary schools will be on the hot search again.

In recent years, many “burden reduction lists” have been introduced in various places, but some primary and secondary teachers have still existed.At the end of January this year, Jiang Shengnan, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, released Weibo to solicit with primary and secondary school teachers and township staff.state”.

Jiang Shengnan’s Weibo screenshot

In more than two thousand messages, many primary and secondary school teachers talk about the current situation of being busy filling in various forms and assessment materials, and cope with various inspections.Repeated labor, education and teaching time are compressed, and mental pressure has become a high -frequency word in the comment area.

Behind “Teacher”, what does it mean?Why do primary and secondary school teachers in some places have too many non -education and teaching burdens?How to better create a good environment for education and teaching, and let the burden reduction measures really implement it?This may be a topic that we need to think for a long time.

Education and teaching task

Non -teaching tasks become an additional burden

The final season is often the busiest time for Dong Lifen (pseudonym).As the head teacher of the first grade of a key middle school in Hangzhou, in addition to normal preparation and teaching, she also has to score the results, grades, and quantitative moral education assessment of each child to evaluate all kinds of awards at the end of the semester.

In addition, the statistical table of the evening self -study, lunch and dinner with the class teacher under the middle level of the school, and the parent safety education learning status table was also pressed on her case.The voice of the printer is often the background sound of the office. The headbook of the class teacher, the next semester plan, and home visits are waiting for her to fill up one by one.

Sometimes, Dong Lifen feels that he is “doing some useless handicrafts”: printing and paste the usual class activities and photos of the board, and then copy the summary of last year to this year’s documentation.”When all kinds of watches, all kinds of messy things are suppressed, they sometimes are fainted, and parents will be fainted.”

Since the six years of teaching, Dong Lifen discovered that she had the least time to prepare for lessons and classes.At 7:30 in the morning to campus, the status of a shaft rotation often lasts until eight:30.”There is time to prepare lessons when I get home, or prepare for young teachers. There is no time to get off work on Monday to Friday.” The time to accompany family or entertainment is very small for Dong Lifen.

“At present, the teachers’ educational and teaching tasks have been very saturated.” Chen Min (pseudonym), vice president of a public primary school in Ningbo, told Tide Journalists.She said that a round of new curriculum standards, new curriculum reforms, and the evaluation system that followed, made the school and the school fiercely competitive and serious, which brought real career pressure to teachers.

In addition to increasingly heavier education and teaching tasks, various non -educational teaching tasks have also led the teachers’ working hours.Chen Min remembers that in the summer vacation, in order to meet the inspection of the “entering campus” activities, all teachers stayed in school to carry out hygiene work such as weeding, glass windows, and cleaning toilets.Because children in the low grade have not yet discerned and dealt with the ability to deal with garbage, in order to cope with garbage classification inspections, teachers can only get garbage pliers at eight in the morning and pick up trash outside the school wall.

In addition, in the school where Chen Min was, some tasks that happened around the campus scene, but did not belong to the scope of teaching, and also needed teachers to implement it.The boundaries between work and non -home work are becoming increasingly blurred.

Tuyuan People’s Daily Weibo

Teachers who move forward after double reduction

Become the end of the campus

Why do some primary and secondary school teachers have the heavier and heavier?Guo Meiyang, an English Research and Trainer of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress of Zhejiang Province and the Education and Training Center of the Education Bureau of Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, found in the survey in the investigation. At present, the structural absence of teachers in the compulsory education stage still exists, and the teachers of primary and secondary schools are tenseEssenceAt the same time, the further decline of the class teacher ratio also increased the education and teaching workload of each teacher.

When I first started teaching, Dong Lifen also wondered why the administrative teacher could not let administrative teachers deal with non -educational teaching work.However, she quickly discovered that there was no pure administrative position on the campus, and the teachers of the General Affairs Office were also responsible for teaching tasks.Not only that, the liquidity of this post is very large, and many teachers are more willing to focus on teaching work, not trivial administrative work.

The members of the Teacher Education Research Center of Beijing Normal University have deepened to investigate the first -tier teachers in the Central Plains in the Central Plains region.”In the survey, the incremental burden is the heaviest and most resistant type of burden for most teachers.Statistical survey, check -in voting, etc. “, Professor Huán of the Teacher Education Research Center of the School of Education of Beijing Normal University told Tide Journalists.

The assessment and evaluation of these non -educational teaching tasks is often based on a large amount of preparation materials and data accounts.”For front -line teachers, it is necessary to prepare materials and collect accounts for tedious inspection and evaluation standards and indicators to facilitate inspection.”A survey object tells Guo Meiyang that an assessment may need to collect thousands of home visits records, parental return, class records, and other information.

When talking about the psychological health education of elementary school students, Chen Min also stated that after talking with the pairing students, she needs to prepare all the materials in accordance with the requirements, including pairing situations, conversation records, students’ micro -willingness, student family conditions, etc.Data to check from time to time.”How did you talk and talk a few times, you have to write it down, and there is a whole set of systematic requirements. Sometimes you think that the time for preparing the materials is not better to spend more talk with your children?”

In fact, some assessment and evaluation have obvious tendencies of transactionalism.Chen Min gave an example of the journalist of Chao Chao: As the child grows at school time, various places have begun to call back the “ten minutes between class” to the child.However, the assessment indicators at the school level landed and became a ten -minute activity plan design competition between schools. “Instead, the pressure was passed on to the teacher.”

Under the thinking of this place and the idea of “starting from the child”, elementary school teachers have become the executive ending of the campus.”Each department wants to push the event to the school, because each department is also assessed, and no level does not want to be deducted.” Guo Meiyang said.

In the research of the Song Yan team, the “superiors” mentioned by the teachers include the county party committee, county league committee, Health and Health Commission, transportation bureau, police station, safety office, etc.The tasks of many departments are added together, and there are fewer work in schools.

In addition, due to the lack of negotiation and cooperation between entries and inconsistent information, the assessment and evaluation often repeats between departments and between urban levels.Jiang Shengnan learned that most of the tables filled in at the grassroots level have 70 % of the contents of 70 %, which are highly similar. “This invalid or inefficient labor will also increase the fatigue of teachers.”

At the same time, the digital transformation of educational education that accelerates pace may increase a new type of burden to teachers while breaking through the traditional teaching space.During the research process, Guo Meiyang found that within the same time, a certain administrative department asked the school to push three apps that have nothing to do with education and teaching to parents, and to collect and count the registration and learning of parents.

Netizens who are engaged in the work of teachers told Jiang Shengnan that after writing the paper version of the materials, they need to fill in online again, and even take pictures to upload paper materials.”It is only mechanically using the form of electronics, but it has doubled the workload to the teachers.” In addition, there are primary school teachers who are required to punch cards such as the American APP, upload their own lesson plans and class photos, andShow exquisite.

The burden reduction list should not become a paper empty text

Teachers should return to teaching books and educate people

In recent years, the reduction of teachers in primary and secondary schools has become another important burden policy and reform measures after “student burden reduction” in the field of education in my country.In 2015, the Ministry of Education determined the pilot unit of 12 management of the management of the management.Among them, Zhejiang Province has decentralized primary school and kindergarten teachers’ senior professional titles (positions) to judge power.

“Some schools have a greater autonomy of running schools under the premise that the government’s necessary coordination and requirements.”Treatment”, Song Yan said that in some areas of the management and separation reform of the management office, the functions of the education administrative department have changed. It mainly provides consultation, decision -making consulting, and service functions for the school.Task.As a result, teachers really feel that the incremental burden that needs to be assumed is significantly reduced, and the pressure of horizontal competition is weakened. The school can return to the education of education and from administrative to professionalization.

In December 2019, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the “Several Opinions on Reducing the burden of teachers in primary and secondary schools to further create a good environment for education and teaching,” which clearly stated that the burden on the work of teachers in primary and secondary schools should be eased, especially emphasizing standards and clearing each other.The work that has nothing to do with education and teaching, strive to “return the tranquility to the school, and return the time to the teacher.”Various localities have also introduced the “burden reduction list” in primary and secondary schools, listed matters that have nothing to do with education and teaching, and reduce the burden on teachers in primary and secondary schools.

Screenshot from the official website of the People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China

“There are several times that are strong. I feel that there will be fewer that we will open it, and there are fewer inspections of superiors, but sometimes they will be re -entered.” Chen Min believes that at present, some burden reduction measures lack related supervision in the process of landing measures.The mechanism and investigation of the burden on teachers, but the competitive assessment and evaluation of the school’s schooling and the individual teachers have always existed.”Not only does education and teaching work, but also appraisal of non -education and teaching work.”

Jiang Shengnan also learned when soliciting the situation that the burden reduction may cover one formalism to cover another formalism, that is, let teachers meet to learn the burden reduction document, but there is no effective specific burden reduction measures.

In addition, the mental health of teachers in primary and secondary schools also needs to pay attention.According to media, multiple surveys have shown that the depression factor score of the symptoms of primary and secondary school teachers is higher than the national frequency model.Guo Meiyang found that the social space of unmarried teachers became narrower, “not even the time for falling in love”, and after the end of the late classes, the marriage teacher had to prepare lessons to go home. It was often absent in family life.

How to reduce the burden of teachers in primary and secondary schools, and the burden reduction list is not reduced to a paper empty text?

Song Yan said that the important point is to further promote the reform of government service and promote the transformation of government functions.”At present, the current status of primary and secondary school teachers, complicated tasks, and even surpassing the education and teaching boundaries are closely related to the division of grassroots management systems, scattered power of education administrative departments, and overlapping responsibilities of multi -department institutions.”

Guo Meiyang believes that it is necessary to strictly review and record it through the third -level linkage.She suggested that at the end of each year, various departments will report to the government’s inspection room to report to school non -educational teaching projects.”The inspection room was screened with our school, listening to the voice of the teacher, and based on the cognitive level of the students’ current semester, to determine the list of non -education and teaching work in the next year.”

She reminded that while strictly reviewing the campus project, the total amount and frequency of non -education and teaching work must also be controlled.”For example, the big hands organized by various departments must enter the campus activities and cannot exceed 6 each year. For the school’s assessment work, it must not exceed 4 items each year.”At the same time, in terms of work distribution, the competent department of the event should be the protagonist, providing personnel who provide preaching materials, micro -class videos and professional preaching. Teachers cooperate with students to participate in participation.”Professional people do professional things. Like the statistics of the background data, it should not be done by which parents are not done. This should not be done by the teacher.”

In addition to specific burden reduction measures, Song Yan also called on schools and social levels to pay more attention and understanding to the group of teachers in primary and secondary schools.Schools need to think about how to optimize management, creatively play with the external environment, minimize and eliminate interference of unrelated work as much as possible, and avoid itself as one of the source of heavy burdens of teachers.On the other hand, we must also pay more attention to how to properly handle the relationship between home and school and society, promote mutual trust and cooperation of home schools, and avoid further expansion of teachers’ liability lists.

“Too hustle and bustle, the teacher can’t teach quietly.” Chen Min still looks forward to the day when the teacher’s work can return to the ability of the teaching of the teaching.”It is the biggest wish of every teacher to be able to take classes quietly and to tutor the child.”

Tuyuan Vision China

"" The preview of the full media live broadcast "involved in trademark infringement and improper competition.

Open the official website of “Qing Young Education”, which is a photo of the “Tsinghua Garden” school gate. The picture also notes on the promotional text such as “relying on Tsinghua’s high -quality educational resources” and “inheriting Tsinghua’s advanced early childhood education concepts” …
Recently, a complaint of a paper in Tsinghua University has sued Beijing Qing Young Education Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Qing You Education”) to court, requesting the judgment that Qing Education has stopped infringing the right to trademark and unfair competition, and compensation for its economic loss 100 10010,000 yuan, reasonable expenditure 52520 yuan.In this regard, Qing Young Education stated that his behavior has a relevant authorization and cooperation basis, and the trademark right of the plaintiff has not been infringed, and it does not constitute unfair competition.
In this case, is Qing young education “Li Yan” or “Li Gui”?Is Tsinghua University’s “small question”, or is Qingqing Education intentionally “take a famous school car” and false publicity?What is punitive compensation in the field of intellectual property rights?
April 26, 2024 is the 24th World Intellectual Property Day.At 9:30 am on the same day, the case will be opened publicly in the Beijing Haidian District People’s Court. The central video number of the “Trial Site” column and the people’s court reporting video number and other media platforms will be broadcast live.
Looking forward to your attention!
Trainee reporter: Yu Yaru

Science and Technology with love · Health Campus 丨 Guangxi exciting appearance at the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition

From April 19th to 21st, the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition opened at the Chongqing International Expo Center to show the latest development results of the Chinese education equipment industry around the theme of “display, exchanges, cooperation, innovation, and development”.Experts and scholars and industry elites across the country gathered together, insight into the development of new trends, experience the pulse of innovation, and seek common development plans.
Science and technology with love health campus
As a deep farmer of the educational lighting track, Guangxi actively responds to the policy orientation of the country’s construction of green campuses. With digital low -carbon and green health as the core, the health campus ecology is comprehensively constructed.During the exhibition, Guangxi joined hands with eye protection/air control/energy management innovation products and overall solutions.Wide attention and in -depth discussion, the feedback on the spot is enthusiastic.
Energy -saving eye protection fresh breathing
In the low -carbon classroom display area, the low -carbon energy -saving eye protection lights of light become the focus.In order to meet the design of double carbon targets, significantly reduce energy consumption and effectively protect students’ vision, and achieve cost reduction and efficiency in the field of educational lighting.Combined with the light air disinfection machine and comprehensive air treatment, the campus respiratory health barrier is built.
Healthy Light Photo Future
The optical four -in -one sterilization eye protection light becomes the core of the display of a healthy classroom. This product integrates four major functions such as formaldehyde, anti -influenza, sterilization, and eye protection.Fully demonstrate the in -depth insights and technological strength of Guangpu in the field of education and lighting, and create a safe and healthy learning environment in all aspects.
Digital low -carbon energy hosting
Guangpu penetrates green low -carbon concepts throughout the entire process of campus construction. It is driven by new energy, new technology, and new models to provide “Guangpi Energy Custody Service”.Increase energy utilization and economic benefits through optical storage charge, energy conservation renovation, and digital intelligence energy management system, and plant the green development base of the campus, and improve the campus energy management system.
Light high -quality empowerment campus sustainable development
Guangxi shares help the education industry with scientific and technological power to develop green and low -carbon development, empower the intelligent education ecology, and effectively support the modernization of the education equipment industry, move towards a greener, intelligent, and healthy future, and achieve high -quality transformation and sustainable development.

The first one in Wuhu!The container commercial neighborhood is here

Speaking of containers

What kind of scene will you emerge?

Transportation tools of freight docks

Born and cold?

Temporary houses for construction sites

Clutter and disorder?

But if you come here

Maybe there will be different feelings

On the east of Wuhu College, Beidong Bay, Wuhu River

There is a container commercial block

The street view designer seems to be casual

Candidate, fusion, and staggered

Frequent combination of stacking methods

The facade design is clear

Formed an unlimited creativity

And super cool business space

200 meters in the east gate of Wuhu College, Jiangbei New District

The commercial district with its own net red attribute, named 786 • Happy Youth Street, was built by Anhui Dalong Bay Development Co., Ltd. as a temporary supporting business at Wuhu College to serve nearly 10,000 college student groups and surrounding residents. It is expected to be in the second half of this year.Formally open operations.

It is understood that after its formal opening and operation, it will become the first commercial district to use the container as the main body of the building.A few days ago, a reporter from Dajiang Information came here. The immersive punch -in is built from more than 140 containers.

At the scene, reporters from Dajiang Information saw that the containers changed the old and dirty images in the past, and they were brightened and warm with red, blue, and yellow.

The bright container was described as a building block, stacking two and three floors. Here is a community, where there are several scattered corners, which seem to be arbitrarily matched, but the street view of casual, free, vibrant,Style is impressive.

It is understood that the shops here have been leased, and many shop owners have been busy renovating internally.According to their own business formats, many stores are very personalized in decoration design. The facade graffiti, specialty store tricks, and various unique appearances show the current trending element, fashionable and young, creating vibrant cutting -edge artAtmosphere.

We want to make it into it

Wuhu’s new generation of Internet celebrity punch!

According to the person in charge of the project of Dalong Bay Group, unlike many commercial districts in the main urban area, the container commercial district of 786 · Happy Youth Street is mainly industrial style and low -carbon environmental protection.

The entire commercial district covers an area of more than 20 acres and nearly 140 open shops. It has gathered university’s vitality Park and maker space, as well as multi -business micro -catering such as spicy, skewers, barbecue, and some leisure and entertainment facilities such as small singing bars.Waiting for the official opening operation in the second half of the year, it can also provide 24 -hour unlimited time services.

In addition, the construction party has also improved the greening environment of Wuhu College and the surrounding area of the neighborhood. It has been completed and has been completed. Focusing on creating functional nodes such as sponge flower streams, sports and leisure, reading space, etc.Improve the convenience of the students of Wuhu College and residents in the surrounding areas.

The commercial district that carries the artistic atmosphere carrying many elements will also become a new landmark of the city’s art in Dalong Bay area, bringing very distinctive commercial vitality, promoting the improvement of urban life quality, and accelerating the development of the creative economic development of the Dalong Bay region.

▍ Reporter: Monday Ping

The Ministry of Education approved the formal establishment of Hong Kong City University (Dongguan)

Caption: Interview objects for the renderings of Hong Kong City University (Dongguan) effect
The City University of Hong Kong (City University) announced that the Ministry of Education had sent a letter to the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government on April 16 to approve the official establishment of Hong Kong City University (Dongguan).It will also further consolidate the leading position in innovation education and cultivation of talents.
Mr. Huang Jiachun, Chairman of the Board of Campus of the Hong Kong Town, thanked the Ministry of Education, the Education Department of Guangdong Province, and the Dongguan Municipal People’s Government for their strong support for the City University (Dongguan).He said: “City University (Dongguan) is located in Dongguan Songshan Lake High -tech Industrial Development Zone (Science City). It is the first startup area of the comprehensive national science center, with a strong scientific research atmosphere;hub.”
Professor Mei Yanchang, the president of Hong Kong City University, said that “City University (Dongguan) will adhere to the school’s school -running philosophy, and under the principle of ‘two universities’ qualities’, it will be committed to promoting the enlightenment, interaction, and innovative educational environment as a”Innovation towards the future and cultivate creative talents. “
In early 2020, the Dongguan Municipal People’s Government, the City University and Dongguan Institute of Technology signed a school agreement to cooperate to open the city University (Dongguan).The university site selection of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Comprehensive National Science Center first launched the Songshan Lake Science City, which is a number of high -end innovation resources such as large scientific devices, Guangdong Laboratory, and leading enterprises in science and technology.
According to reports, Chengda (Dongguan) will focus on computer science, artificial intelligence and data science, high -end electronics, biomedical engineering, intelligent manufacturing, advanced materials, new energy, civil engineering and construction engineering, and digital economy.Study, educate and innovate world -class institutions.
Xinmin Evening News reporter Zhang Jiongqiang

Let more children learn well, the coverage rate of group groups in Beijing has reached 75%

Beijing News (Reporter Yang Feifei) On April 23, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission’s news ventilation that in recent years, in order to satisfy the people’s expectations of learning, Beijing has further promoted reform and innovation and continued to focus on expanding and promising quality.Promote the high -quality and balanced development of compulsory education.Up to now, the city’s group -based school coverage rate has reached 75%, and the management of school district system has covered 90%of primary and secondary schools, and 100%of township compulsory education schools have been supported by “hand -pull”.
2024 is the deepening reform year of Beijing’s basic education, the year of the curriculum construction, the year of the construction of the teacher team, and the year of paying close attention to the implementation of the year.Beijing accelerates the structural reform of education supply side, and promotes the supply of educational services from monomer schools to the supply of education group school districts.
At the same time, Beijing has continuously promoted a small -scale, large proportion, and diversified new teacher exchange rotation.As of now, a total of more than 42,000 transfer rotation teachers have accounted for 79%of teachers who meet the conditions of exchange rotation. They have basically formed a normalized exchange rotation mechanism, and the coverage of high -quality resource coverage has continued to expand.
Primary and secondary school degrees that the public cares about has also increased.Beijing has implemented the “newly added 20,000 primary and secondary school degrees” for three consecutive years.
In addition, in terms of promoting the continuous improvement of education and teaching, Beijing uses the reform of the high -quality basic education system with digitalization as an entry point for the reform of education evaluation with the reform of the high -quality basic education system.Stage education and teaching reform.Recently, a new model of “Global Teaching and Research” has also been launched to better give play to the professional support of teaching and research on basic education, and gradually build a new pattern of teaching and research with vertical linkage, horizontal collaboration, professional efficiency, and strong support to support the high -quality development of basic education in the capital.
Edit Miao Chenxia

The notice of the five departments of the Ministry of Education and other five departments on hosting the 2024 Lifetime Learning Week

Faculty of Cheng Chengxiang [2024] No. 7

The Education Department (Education Commission) of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, the Civil Affairs Department (Old Age), the Department of Culture and Tourism (Bureau), the Federation of Trade Unions, the Education Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, and the Civil Affairs Bureau (Old Old Old Old Old Age), Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Federation of Trade Unions:

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party, conscientiously implement the requirements of learning society and a large -scale country to build a lifelong learning of the whole people, and further promote the life of the whole people. The relevant matters related to the 2024 Lifetime Learning Week will be notified as follows.

1. Overall requirements

Holding the 2024 Lifetime Learning Week of the People, it is necessary to guide the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in -depth study and implementation of the 20th spirit of the party, and actively play the advantages of education, propaganda, culture and tourism, trade union, and old -age work system resources., Promote the linkage of the central land, innovate the form of carrier, enrich the content of activities, highlight local characteristics, stimulate the participation of the whole people, open up a new path of life activities of the whole people, promote the launch of the wrong time in various places.”, Help the construction of a learning society and a large -scale country that” everyone can learn, can learn everywhere, and learn from time to learn.

Persist in mobilizing all parties to the society to participate.Under the leadership of the party committee, fully mobilize the government’s initiative and enthusiasm, improve the operating mechanism of the entire people’s lifelong learning activity week, bring together high -quality resources of all parties in the society, create a good learning atmosphere, and serve life -long learning.

Pay attention to inspiring learning enthusiasm.Continuously innovate methods, fully stimulate the learning interests of various groups, publicize and learn typical characters, touch deeds, play a typical leading role, and guide the masses to learn, enjoy, and learn good.

Persist in highlighting local characteristics.Combining the reality of various places, make good use of various public cultural facilities and resources, carry out colorful learning and practice activities, create a lifelong learning brand project, and provide the masses with a variety of, intelligent, and experiential learning scenes and environments.

Pay attention to promoting digital learning.Establish a shared open -life public service platform, provide sufficient and high -quality digital learning resources, and strengthen quality management to meet the high efficiency, convenient and open learning needs of the masses.

2. Event theme

Make learning a lifestyle

3. Event arrangement

From April to early December 2024, in accordance with the situation with various places in the early stage, the “one province and one week” coordinated the entire country’s lifelong learning activities week, throughout the year (see Annex 1 for details).The opening ceremony of the National Lifetime Learning Week was held, and the specific arrangements were arranged separately.

Fourth, activity content

(1) Innovate special learning activities.All localities must innovate carriers, forms and channels, combine local characteristics, determine the theme of activities, combine online and offline, mobilize the masses to take the initiative to participate in the activities, create a larger scale, more content, more exciting activity, and stronger atmosphere.Activity week.Make full use of public cultural facilities such as libraries, art museums, museums, science and technology museums, cultural museums, theaters, and workers’ cultural palaces, and actively carry out immersive learning and practice activities in combination with local red culture and non -genetic inheritance.Promote the community, enterprises, and agencies to actively mobilize learning resources such as culture, education, technology and other in the jurisdiction, provide multi -level, multi -type knowledge learning, skills training, leisure education and other activities, and provide more opportunities for the people of the people to learn more.And conditions.

(2) In -depth conventional learning activities.Carry out in -depth reading activities for the whole people, and continue to build brand reading activities through the theme reading, opening online society lectures, digital reading and sharing activities.Combined with the reading actions of young people and the elderly nationwide to promote the construction of learning families and learning communities.Continue to carry out publicity and promotion activities of “Star of People Learning” and “Lifetime Learning Brand Project” nationwide, do a good job of recommending excellent publications activities, “Loying Reading Clubs” and other brand projects to the elderly across the country., Guide the masses to develop learning habits and improve their ability to learn.

(3) Carry out the “Star of the People” to enter the campus, community, and enterprise activities.In -depth excavations in various places, vigorously promoting a group of inspirational figures who insist on growing up for lifelong learning, and drive the masses with advanced people with outstanding learning deeds.Through various forms such as reporting reports, reading and sharing sessions, etc., play the guidance, demonstration and radiation role of “Star of the People”, and use the advanced matters of the “Star of the People” to call for young students, community residents, and people from all walks of life in all walks of life.Stimulate learning enthusiasm and initiative.Carry out the activities of the “Star of the People’s Learning” across the country.

(4) Carry out the “Lifetime Learning Brand Project” tour.Outstanding regional characteristics in various places, coordinate learning resources, and create a “lifelong learning brand project” that meets the needs of learners.Through the use of various large -scale activities, special tour exhibitions and other forms, the “lifelong learning brand project” is promoted to penetrate the lives of the grassroots, families, and the masses, and guides the masses to participate in lifelong learning.Pay attention to “one old and one young”, actively extend the study space at the door, carry out family parent -child reading actions, Shuxiang community construction activities, etc., and enhance the sense of learning from the masses.

(5) Digital empowerment of national learning.Actively build a lifelong learning digital intellectual service platform, promote the integration and opening up of cross -platform, cross -regional, and cross -level learning resources, actively carry out online learning activities, promote the construction of personal lifelong learning accounts, form personal lifelong learning digital archives, supportThe identification, accumulation and conversion of learning results.Carry out the promotion of digital reading for the elderly, set up elderly education courses, create a friendly and multi -end learning interface, expand the supply of large -character version, audio book resources, optimize the obstacle reading environment of public cultural facilities, and provide all -media multi -end learning channels.The official website of the China Adult Education Association and the national lifelong learning public service platform, the National Open University Lifetime Education Platform, and the National Trade Union Employee Education Training Digital Service Platform, and continue to organize online learning activities.

5. Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.Adhere to the “one province and one case”. Under the leadership of the party committee and government, all localities have improved the working mechanism, and jointly formulated the implementation plan for the life -long learning activities of the whole people, and organized a series of activities with local characteristics, brand effects, and influential activities.Educational departments in various places should mobilize and various schools to play the role of learning at all levels, and will carry out various forms of learning activities with communities and enterprises.The propaganda departments of various localities must organically integrate the reading activities of the whole people to deepen the lifelong learning of the whole people.Cultural and tourism departments in various places should make good use of social and public cultural facilities and organize a series of learning and experience activities.Civil affairs (old age office) and unions in various places carry out various theme education and learning activities in combination with enterprises and elderly people.All localities should guide the promotion of cities (prefectures, states) and conditional counties (cities, districts) to actively carry out lifelong learning activities with local characteristics.

(2) Increase publicity.All localities must continuously explore the effective paths of innovation and innovation to deepen the life activities of the entire people, summarize the typical experience in a timely manner, dig deep into touching stories, and increase publicity and promotion.The propaganda departments of various localities should organize local mainstream media and online media to carry out lifelong learning activities, effective practices, typical character stories to promote a good social environment and strong atmosphere of the whole people.The Ministry of Education will choose cases, pictures, videos, etc. on various places on relevant websites, and organize central media for publicity and reporting.

All provincial education administrative departments are requested to submit the “Settings of the Highlights of various places” (Annex 2) and the “Summary Form for the Development of Lifetime Learning Activities of the People in 2024” (Annex 3).Go to the Department of Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education.Typical cases in various places can be sent at any time.

Contact person and telephone number of vocational education and adult education department of the Ministry of Education: Li Yisheng, 010-66097704; email: [email protected].

Contacts and telephones of the China Adult Education Association: Huang Xiaochen, Guan Yan, 010-58582578 13601198336; email: [email protected].

Attachment: 1. The arrangement of the National Lifetime Learning Week of National Lifelong Learning Activity Week in 20124

   2. Special highlights of various localities in various places

   3. Summary table of the development of life -long learning activities in the whole people in 20124

The General Office of the General Office of the Central Propaganda Department of the General Office of the Ministry of Education

General Office of the General Trade Union of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Healthy China | "Preconditions without disease" is escorted by the baby’s health

CCTV Beijing April 25 (Reporter Lei Yan Intern reporter Zulial) “Never cherishing the disease and treating the disease” has always been a view that traditional Chinese medicine is respected, which also coincides with the modern point of preventing medicine.Prevention without disease can not only prevent the development of diseases, but also greatly reduce the cost of treating diseases.Because the infantile period has not yet developed the immune system, it is a period of high incidence of children’s diseases.Ma Jia, the chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics at the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave the following suggestions.
First, don’t wear too thick for your child.
“The Source of the Diseases · Children’s Miscellaneous Diseases, Propaganda Children” once put forward the view of “not warm clothing”: “Children are born, the skin is not completed, the clothes should not be warm, and the warm clothes will slow the bones and bones.”· Shao Xiaoying Fang Fang “said:” Do not make clothes thick … Children’s clothing is very hot, cautious. “Hungry and cold “”
Modern medical research has found that children’s body temperature adjustment ability has not yet developed. Too thick dresses may cause children’s temperature and poor sweat, which will not only cause rash diseases, but may pose a threat to children’s lives in severe cases. For example, some parents think that children think childrenIf you fever, cover it, which may cause dehydration due to high temperature.
However, it should be noted that important parts must be kept warm, and clothing should be stepped forward.There are many tips in the Chinese medicine classics. For example, the principle of child care is to be warm, the second must be warm, the third must be warm, and the fourth must be cold;The dying reduction may cause the child to hurt the stroke. “
Second, the diet is cool and hot.
“Pediatric Source Form Theory · Yangzi Tune” said: “If the adopted son is not sick, care about reconciliation. If you eat hot, eat soft, eat less, you will not get sick; eat cold, eat hard, eat more, and get sick.” “”Suwen · Dirty Qi Law” said: “Gravodes are raising, five fruits are helpful, five animals are beneficial, five dishes are charged, and the odor is combined with it.”
“The Secret of the Wanjia Tibetan Tibetan Nursery · Ju Yang Yue Yue Yiyi Four” said: “Children are ignorant, when you see things, how can you festivals? Parents also.The cakes, the fruits and fruits are cold and the like, all of them, let it go, so that they are in love.
Third, outdoor activities cannot be less.
Modern medical research shows that sunlight irradiation can promote the synthesis of vitamin D, and outdoor activities are also conducive to the development of children’s eyes and enhance children’s adaptability to the external environment.
In Chinese ancient books, it has also been recorded that raising children “see the wind day. If you do not see the wind day, it will make the skin crispy and soft, and it will be easy to damage … When the sky and warmth have no wind, the mother will play in the middle of the sun.When you see the wind, the blood gel is rigid, the muscles are hard, it is resistant to wind and cold, and it will not cause diseases.”
4. Do not forget the vaccine.
April 25 is the National Children’s Prevention Day.It has been a long time to improve the ability of disease resistance by preventing vaccination. Why do we vaccinate vaccines?
The newborn baby can obtain antibodies from the milk of the mother and mother. The time of time is pushed. After the infant is weaned, the antibody concentration gradually weakens. Before the children’s immune system is not fully developed, vaccination is the most economical and effective for vaccine is the most economical and effectivePrevention of country’s immunization planning work has been implemented for more than 40 years, and its achievements are very significant.At present, each resident of my country must accept at least 15 national immunization vaccines to prevent 15 infectious diseases.No medical measures in the world can have such an important, lasting and far -reaching impact on human health like vaccines.
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